
Since 1917 Spain had been shattered by multiple political crises. The (constitutional) monarchy obviously was not capable of dealing with the social and political tensions. 

From 1923 to 1930 the country had to endure a military dictatorship under General Rivera, which was tolerated by the king. Rivera fails in trying to solve the main problems in the country and has to give up in 1930. 

In 1931 the republicans win the free elections. The king leaves the country (without waiving the throne). The republic gives itself a progressive liberal constitution which meets with fierce resistance from conservative and nationalist groups. 

The year 1933 sees the nationalists win the elections. The never-ending crises rise to the new government's bloody suppression of the workers' movement. 

The People's Front (republicans, socialists, communists and syndicalists) wins the elections in February of 1936

In July 1936 a group under leadership of General Franco starts a riot against the government. The riot is supported by fascists, monarchists and Catholics. Italy (Mussolini), Germany (Hitler) and Portugal are in favour of Franco's men. France, the USSR and about 60(000 volunteers from all over the world are on the side of the government formed by the People's Front. The rioters' military superiority leads to their victory in 1937. 

1939 France, the United Kingdom and the USA recognise Franco's government. Until his death, Franco rules over the country as a dictator.